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Christmas at Pendragon (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 3
Christmas at Pendragon (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Read online
Page 3
“You’re offended?”
Hannah’s eyes opened wide. Curses! She had wanted him to think she didn’t care, not that she was offended.
“Me! Offended, I don’t know what you mean, what could I possibly be offended by?”
She scrapped back her chair and picking up her coffee stalked to the door.
“I’m going to bed.”
“Good idea.” Goran, nodded, and she suspected he was suppressing a grin. “We’ve a lot of work to get through tomorrow.”
Stopping in the doorway with her back towards him she ground her teeth. “Very well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Curses did he always have to have the last word.
“Goodnight.” Quickly slipping through the door she reached back to shut it behind her.
“Goodnight, Miss Darling.”
Bother the man. Grinding her teeth in annoyance she had to resist the urge to slam the door.
Chapter Five
Morning came and with it a flurry of activity. No sooner was breakfast over when Goran made the decision that they were going into the nearest town for some supplies. A bit flabbergasted by this unexpected turn of events, Hannah ran up the stairs to get ready. Her stomach churned with excitement at the unexpected outing and from knowing she’d be spending most the day in close proximity to Goran Pendragon.
Climbing in the Range Rover she threw Goran a smiling glance, for some reason she felt happy. Analysing the feeling she suddenly realised that she was happy because she was in his company and because, it suddenly hit her like a sledge hammer hitting a miniscule nail, she was happy because she was—in love with Goran Pendragon!
How had that happened? She’d known him for no more than a day and here she was fancying herself in love with the most enigmatic man she’d ever met. No it was a mistake, it had to be, no one could fall in love that quickly except in movies, or romantic novels. No, the feeling she was experiencing was because she’d never met anyone like him before. He annoyed the hell out of her one minute and the next he made her feel things she’d never felt before. Yes that was it, she was suffering an anomaly brought on by proximity. Well she wouldn’t give into her feelings, because that would be dangerous. Goran Pendragon would never entertain the likes of her, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, relatively uneducated, naïve, nay, innocent if she were to be honest, and suffering from penury. No she was definitely not the girl for him.
“You’re very quiet?”
“Well.” She huffed, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “You were the one complaining I was a chatterbox.”
“Indeed. However, I didn’t expect you to sit in silence, you are allowed the occasional word or two.”
“Really, so kind of you to say so,” she said sarcastically. “And there I was thinking you were master of all you survey and only the honoured few was allowed to speak in your oh so illustrious presence.”
Goran’s laugh exploded into the silence that followed. “Now you’re being downright annoying. Picking a fight with your employer is a foolish endeavour, Miss Darling, so I suggest that you shut up before you get yourself into even deeper water.”
Pursing her lips, Hannah stared out of the window, wondering why she had to fall in love with such a pain in the neck.
Reaching the town Hannah looked around her with delight. Snow of course covered everything in sight, but as it was October and Halloween was just around the corner, retailers had made an effort and Halloween decorations filled shop windows and doorways. Hannah forgetting to be annoyed and unable to contain her excitement turned a happy face to Goran.
“Isn’t it marvellous, I don’t usually do much at Halloween, just a pumpkin and some lights, well you know I’ve no family and all that, but I love it. I love the atmosphere, the curling up in front of the TV with a spoof horror film playing, and a big bowl filled with oodles and oodles of sweeties—bliss!” She sighed.
Goran looked at the young woman by his side and became enchanted with her. She was like a small child with her nose pressed up against a sweet shop window. Excitement spilled out of her, from her happy smiling face, to her sparkling eyes and tightly clenched hands.
“Well that’s why we’re here, we’re going to buy some Halloween tricks and treats, I’ve got guests coming for the weekend and we’re going to have a party.” He looked directly at her. “You of course will also be coming to the party, but I’ll also need your help with the decorations. Are you game?”
“Really?” she breathed. “Of course I’m game, I can hardly wait.”
The morning passed swiftly and Hannah began to see a new side of Goran. A side of fun and laughter, and it came to her that this man had many facets to his character and she was enjoying experiencing each and every one with him. Tricks were bought amongst much hilarity, and treats were also purchased, some of which had to be carefully unwrapped and tasted. Decorations and costumes were obtained and soon the car was filled to bursting. Lunch was partaken at an elegant little café and all too soon they were heading home.
Hannah looked out of the window watching the scenery flash past and wondered when in the short time she had been a guest of Goran had she thought of Pendragon as home. She sighed. Things had moved quickly for her, too quickly, and of course she was living in a fool’s paradise thinking there could be anything between Goran and herself. She was his employee after all, and fantasizing about the future wouldn’t do her any good. No, she decided with a firming of her jaw. No, she wasn’t going to kid herself, there would never, ever, be anything between them, she just had to live each day as it came. Do her work and for the next few months enjoy living at Pendragon and look forward to an amazing Christmas.
Goran looked across at Hannah. She had been remarkably quiet since they had started for home. Shopping for Halloween essentials she had come out of her shell and laughed and joked and engaged him in conversation, but now she suddenly seemed remote as if her mind was on other things. Glancing back toward the road he frowned recalling the file in his desk, a report from the private investigator he’d hired to check her background. Millionaires couldn’t be too careful these days. Hannah Beatrice Darling had lived alone since the age of sixteen, her abode a poky bedsit in a tower block. She’d no family and had never had much money, and the only boyfriend she seemed to have had, had been a short apparently innocuous relationship with a shop delivery lad called Gavin. She worked hard, played—rarely and sat at home most evenings doing, he knew not what. He absently wondered why? Why she’d not yet married or in the very least got a boyfriend? She was beautiful, sexy, funny, and charming and she obviously needed someone. And he knew from experience it wasn’t good to always be alone. He caught himself up at that, he was always alone. He shrugged, it was different for him, he wanted to be alone. He knew without conceit that he could have any woman he wanted, being rich and reasonably good looking they threw themselves at him. However, except for the odd night he sought isolation.
Hannah shook herself out of her reverie as Goran headed the car between the twin turrets that marked the gateway to Pendragon. Home at last.
“W—what? Oh yes, a little I think, it’s been a hectic day one way and another, but...” She smiled across at him. “I’ve really enjoyed it. Halloween is going to be so much fun.”
“I guess, but we’ve a mound of work to get through before my guests descend for the weekend.”
Nodding absently Hannah returned to staring out of the window, watching for the welcoming lights of Pendragon to come into view. The lights of home.
Chapter Six
The week passed quickly and Friday found Hannah surrounded by ladders and decorations. Goran had charged her with the decorating of the ballroom. It was an amazing room, as big as a civic hall and decorated to the best possible taste. The floor was wooden and highly polished, the walls were pale eggshell with cream paintwork. The chandeliers—there were two of them, one at each end of the room— were huge and sho
ne like a thousand diamonds sending prisms of light flashing out in all directions and making the one in the hall look like a pale shadow in comparison.. However, it was the ceiling that held her enchanted. At least twenty foot high and in the middle a huge stained glass dome looking as if it was reaching up to heaven itself. When she first entered the room the dome drew her like a magnet, it was awesome, like something out of Victorian England. Pushed along one wall and hidden behind a screen was an enormous telescope on some kind of trailer and Hannah gathered that the ballroom also doubled at an observatory for Goran. A place he could look at the stars and discover exciting new worlds.
“How are you doing?”
Hannah looked up at the sound of Goran’s voice. “Oh, well, I’m not sure. I think I’m going to need a hand.” She looked ruefully at Goran and then at the piles of pumpkins, artificial but real-looking giant spiders, witches’ broomsticks and all manner of gruesome paraphernalia.
“Okay then, let’s get to it.”
He smiled into her sparkling eyes and for Hannah it was as if time stood still. The blue of his eyes seemed to change colour, turning deeper with flecks of aqua and she could feel her heart racing in response to his mesmerising look. With an effort she pulled her gaze from his eyes to his mouth. His lips were sensual, thin but not too thin, however the lower lip had a slight fullness to it, showing a hint of hidden passion. Her tongue slowly caressed her own lips as she stared lost in his magnetism.
“Hannah! Hannah?” Goran raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Wh–what? Oh sorry I was miles away.” She willed the heat in her cheeks to subside.
“Indeed! However, there’s work to be done so…” He gestured to the pumpkins. “Let’s get started.”
Three hours later and the place looked amazing. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and across the doors. Spiders glared malevolently from corners and rats looked as if they were scampering up the walls. The gardener and the young lad from the town roped in for the occasion had indeed been busy, and orange lights blazed a trail along the driveway leading from the gates to the door. Whilst imitation gravestones were placed strategically around the lawn and Jack-o’-lanterns graced the steps leading to the front door, their hideously ghoulish faces grinning inanely as if concealing the deep, dark secrets of the id. Goran had even hired a fog machine and the artificial translucent mist crept eerily around the house and down the drive.
Excitement stirred in Hannah. She’d never seen anything like it before and to be part of it was like a dream come true.
She was half way up the stairs when the giant door knocker rapped down. Turning curiously she waited for Henry to respond. The door opening brought with it the mist from the fog machine, a flurry of snow and a striking woman dressed in a scarlet-hooded coat edged in white fur.
“Darling we’re here at last, the weather you know—terrible.” She flung her arms around Goran’s neck and her lips eagerly sought his. Hannah felt her breath stop in her throat. This was the kind of woman for Goran, not someone like her.
“Annabel, I didn’t realise you were going to accompany the children.”
“But darling of course, you couldn’t possibly have a party without little ol’ me.” She pouted prettily and struck a pose.
It was then Hannah turned tail and ran up the rest of the stairs to her room.
An hour later dressed quite fetchingly as a white witch Hannah gave a final twirl in front of the mirror loving the way the white and silver dress swirled about her ankles encased in white lace-up boots. She had thought of attending as a traditional witch with a green face and warty nose, but seeing the gorgeous Annabel De-Pont Hannah was thankful that her desire to impress Goran outweighed her idea of fun. So, taking a deep breath she snatched up the particularly striking hat and exited the room. Descending the stairs Hannah’s gaze darted here and there attempting to take everything in at the same time. The place was heaving and the guests looked splendid, every effort having been made to follow the dress code for a bewitching evening. From her position of height she scanned the room seeking out Goran.
Their eyes met from across the room. Hannah smiled tentatively, a tremulous movement of her lips. Goran looked devastatingly handsome. The true immortal she thought him to be on their first meeting. Dressed in a black tuxedo with a plain white-wing collar shirt and a swirling black cape lined with crimson silk he was the very epitome of a vampire, dark, sinful, mesmerising. Slowly she descended the last few steps, he moved to intercept, holding out his hand to take hers. Feeling as if all her Christmases had come at once she raised a hand to slip it into his. However, before their fingers could touch Annabel sidled up to Goran and took his outstretched hand.
“Goran, dah—ling.”
Goran looked down into Annabel’s coy smiling face and grinned. “Annabel you look amazing.”
Laughing girlishly Annabel twirled and her red frock swirled in a mass of orange, red and gold against her legs.
“Do you like it? I’m a red devil.” She grinned mischievously. “And I’m here to take you to the underworld where you will spend eternity in my power and in my arms.”
“You imp!” Goran tweaked the red horns on a band around her luscious crown of blonde hair.
Annabel giggled in what Hannah considered to be a childish way, and holding tightly onto his hand twirled three more times, her skirts brushing seductively against his legs.
Grabbing the arm he held out to Hannah, Annabel threw her an arch look and pulled Goran towards the buffet table complaining that if she didn’t have some incy wincey morsel to eat soon she’d faint clean away from hunger. Throwing Hannah a wicked smile he shrugged carelessly and allowed himself to be drawn away.
Hannah stood on the bottom step and slowly lowered her hand to the rail, her fingers gripping the wood.
Would she never learn? Mortal or immortal Goran Pendragon was not the man for her.
However, Hannah didn’t go short of dances. Young men seemed to appear out of nowhere to ask for her hand and it was whilst she was shimmering down to the strains of the Monster Mash that Goran appeared back on the scene.
“My dance I think.” He glared at the young man who was getting rather familiar with Hannah.
Gliding into his arms Hannah matched her steps perfectly with his as they began to swirl around the dance floor. Closing her eyes she gave herself up to the music and to the dream of having Goran hold her like this for the all of eternity.
The music swelled, changing from one tune to another without pause. Hannah still held safely in Goran’s safe arms revelled in the possessiveness of his touch. Did he feel anything for her? Did he like her? Or as with herself had he fallen instantly in love with her? He was after all paying her an inordinate amount of attention much to the disgust of Annabel whose mouth bore the sulky lines of a discontented child.
Instantly Hannah pooh-poohed this notion. Obviously she was reading too much into his actions. Yes, he was a charismatic host, and yes, he was an attentive employer when he wasn’t smouldering angrily at her, and yes, he appeared to want her company. However, was she fooling herself to think his attentions were any more than just good manners? Her head aching with trying to work out how Goran felt about her, Hannah cleared her mind and gave herself up to the music and throwing her head back swirled and swirled around the dance floor her skirts twirling frothily around her ankles.
The party was the best Hannah had ever attended. The music was exceptional and the food sublime. A caterer had been brought in especially for the occasion and there was both hot and cold food. Casseroles, jacket potatoes, rice, chilli, salads, cold meats and crusty bread rolls. The tables with their immaculate white linen cloths creaked under all manner of deserts which were eaten with gusto as the champagne flowed. The company was mixed, business associates who were a trifle dull, scientists very geeky but pleasant for all that, and locals that had come from far and wide to attend one of the best parties of the year.
Trick-or-treaters eagerly rang the doorbell dressed
as princesses, cowboys, aliens and all manner of ghosts and ghouls and happily accepted the treats of sweeties and lollipops, and screamed at the tricks of large rubber spiders and hairy rats.
The evening finally drew to a close with an outstanding finale from a local dance troop who performed the choreography to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Everyone stomped and shimmed down with the zombies and ghouls alike and much fun was had by all. Eventually, one by one the guests left talking animatedly about the evening, laughing over the costumes and receiving their goody bag full of expensive gifts. For the woman a diamante bracelet and handmade chocolates, and the men, cufflinks and cologne.
Once the evening guests had gone the overnight guests got together for a nightcap. The children, four-year-old twins story-bookishly named Janet and John Graham were taken upstairs to bed by their grandmother with an admonishment to go straight to sleep. Annabel, much to Hannah’s disgust, made a great deal of sitting beside Goran and touching him at every opportunity. First, a hand on his thigh, then her head resting on his shoulder as she smiled cloyingly up at him. Then the flirtation increased cloyingly with girlish laughter at something he said, and her perfectly painted pouting lips brushing his cheek as she whispered teasingly in his ear. Hannah attempting to appear unconcerned ground her teeth until they ached.
As the time passed the conversation became general, and Hannah discovered that the children Janet and John were in fact Goran’s godchildren. David, their father was Goran’s friend from childhood and was away on a business trip combined with a second honeymoon for the children’s mother Ellen, whilst Annabel was in fact David’s thrice divorced sister. Hannah’s eyes narrowed as she contemplated the other woman and her overfamiliar antics to keep Goran’s attention from straying. She was very beautiful, that was an undeniable fact, and near to Goran’s age of thirty-two although in Hannah’s opinion she was mutton-dressed-as-lamb. Her hair was a mass of long blonde primped tresses which she constantly flicked behind her shoulders in order to draw attention to the curve of her cheek and the length of her swan-like neck. It was clearly dyed. Whilst her eyes were a deep, very deep emerald green—contacts, Hannah thought a trifle maliciously, contacts to hide the real blood-red colour of her devil eyes. She stifled a giggle at her whimsy.