Christmas at Pendragon (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 5
Groaning his name Hannah held his head at her breast feeling the silken strands of his hair through her fingers. God she wanted more, disturbingly she wanted him to lie her down in the snow and take her there and then, take her to heaven, to share his body with her and so cementing their connection.
“Goran.” She sighed again.
Lifting his head Goran gazed deeply into Hannah’s eyes.
“Hannah?!” he asked softly.
“Oh God Goran, yes, yes, yes.”
Still he hesitated. “Are you certain?”
“Oh please, yes, yes I’m sure please Goran.”
Stripping off his wool jacket he laid it on the ground, then taking her hand he eased her down onto its comforting warmth. Hannah breathed deeply it smelt of him, smelt of wood smoke, lemon and earthy maleness. Coming down beside her Goran took her into his arms and kissed her.
Wrapping her arms around his neck Hannah gave back kiss for kiss, caress for caress. Her heartbeat raced and her breath became short and shallow. This was it, this was where she wanted to be in Goran’s arms forever.
Closing her eyes she became supine allowing him to kiss and caress her at will. She was intoxicated by his touch, the feel of him, of his hard body as it covered hers and by his hands which were instruments of pleasure. She groaned, her senses were on fire. Where his hands caressed her flesh fizzed like electricity. His fingers fluid like he was playing a finely tuned piano ran lightly, tenderly over the soft flesh of her ribs, pausing briefly to cup her breasts. Then, with ever-increasing delicacy he sought the frailness of her flat stomach before tracing an imaginary line from her navel to her feminine mound. Her breath came quick and sharp, and momentarily her eyes closed as she shuddered with delighted anticipation. Eventually she was naked, her cool body waiting and open for his possession. Gazing into Hannah’s eyes Goran lifted his hips and pushed home. Crying out, Hannah experienced a moment’s pain and Goran stilled his eyes, questioning. With a small mew, she wrapped her legs around his hips and urged him to continue.
Her back arched like a contented cat as Hannah matched her body’s rhythm to that of his and was soon exploding on an orgasm like she had never felt before. Hearing Goran’s groan as he followed her into a climax she felt all woman—powerful, contented—alive!
Sometime later Hannah stirred as Goran pulled out of her. Wanting to grab onto him to make him stay she instead feeling suddenly shy, quickly followed suit and scrambled into her clothes.
Chapter Nine
The walk back to Pendragon was silent, Hannah just didn’t know what to say as Goran had become the remote man of the previous evening. However, he did catch her hand and swing it gently the whole way home. She wanted to discuss things and she knew all women did, but what had happened in the woods had been beautiful, wondrous in fact and she wondered if it had been the same for Goran. She wanted to know if he felt the same as her, that making love had been a joining not only of their bodies but of their souls as well? But looking at his face as he helped her off with her coat once they had arrived home stopped the words before they were spoken. Was he regretting making love to her?
“I’ll see you at dinner, I’ve some work to do. You take a bath or whatever you women like to do.” He smiled gently down at her and tenderly brushed her cold cheek with his knuckles.
Hannah nodded mutely and watched him stride away towards his study. Turning towards the stairs a small smile playing gently around her mouth she stopped dead as she came face to face with Annabel.
“Well, well, well, look what the cat’s dragged in.” She reached out and plucked a twig from Hannah’s hair. “Now what could you have possibly been up to?” Annabel tapped her chin with a red long tapered fingernail.
“N–nothing.” Hannah briefly closed her eyes on the stammer.
“Nothing huh? It doesn’t look like nothing to me.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’d say, that you have the look of a woman who been well and truly…” She leant forward and whispered a shocking word in Hannah’s ear. Hannah blushed, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks.
“I–I can’t believe you just said that to me.” She gasped, pulling her arm from Annabel’s talon-like grip.
Rushing towards the stairs intent on getting to her room and away from the other woman she was stopped in her tracks by Annabel.
“I notice you didn’t actually give me an answer, Hannah.”
Refusing to give Annabel the satisfaction of crossing words, Hannah, without turning around, rushed headlong to her room.
Annabel watched Hannah’s flight with narrowed eyes, then giving a small secret smile sauntered casually towards the Goran’s study.
It was dinner before Hannah saw Goran again. He was already at the table when she arrived but with impeccable manners he stood up and pulled out her chair. Sending him a shy smiling glance she quickly looked away in confusion when she realised he wasn’t looking at her. In fact, his face was set, his expression brooding.
Biting her lip she opened her mouth to ask what was wrong when the door opened and Annabel sailed into the room.
“Hello all,” she trilled, waving her fingers, the bracelets up her arm jangling together like the shackles on a Harem slave girl.
Then there was no more opportunity to ask Goran anything as Janet and john burst into the room closely followed by their slightly harassed grandmother.
Dinner for the most part was a noisy affair with the children clamouring for attention and their grandmother reproaching them for their bad manners.
Finally registering the children’s behaviour Goran stepped in, and with one word commanded instant obedience. The rest of the meal was partaken in silence except for Annabel’s constant stream of idle gossip. Obviously Hannah thought here was a lady who liked the sound of her own voice.
Hannah on more than one occasion attempted to catch Goran’s eye but he studiously ignored her small pathetic attempts to subtly gain his attention and so in the end she gave up. Maybe she would have an opportunity at some other time.
The meal over, Goran growled that he had work to do and instantly disappeared. The children’s grandmother scooped up her charges and under loud protestations of them about not being tired chivvied them up the stairs for baths and bed. Hannah and Annabel were left facing each other like mortal enemies across the coffee tray.
“Shall I be mother?” Hannah asked as the silence grew.
“I don’t know, Hannah, shall you?” Annabel lent back in her chair smiling smugly.
Ignoring the other woman’s sarcasm, Hannah quickly poured two cups of coffee and passing the milk and sugar picked up her cup and with a small pseudoapologetic smile commented that she was tired and would take hers up to bed with her.
“Running away, Hannah?”
Hannah stopped at the door her back turned toward Annabel.
“No, I’ve no reason to run.”
Hearing Annabel’s chair scrape back on the polished wood of the floor her heart sank.
Turning quickly to face her, Hannah drew a deep breath. “Is there something you’re trying to say, Annabel? Because if so, just spit it out, will you? I’m tired and want an early night.”
“I’m sure you do, Hannah.” Annabel sauntered majestically over to her. “After all sex can be very tiring can’t it? Especially if it’s a rough fumble in a wood.”
Outraged Hannah drew a deep breath. “I don’t know what you mean, Annabel, and whatever it is you are referring to, I’m not prepared to comment. So, I suggest you mind your own damned business.” Lifting her chin she all but marched from the room and up the stairs.
Following her out of the room Annabel attempted to goad her even further. “Now don’t go getting all hysterical, Hannah. You wouldn’t be the first girl that fell for Goran’s unmistakable sex appeal and you probably won’t be the last.”
Hearing Annabel’s malicious laughter failed to soothe Hannah’s bruised and battered ego.
Slamming the door to her room Hannah lent back against the wood. Annab
el must have guessed what had happened between her and Goran in the wood, because there was no way Goran would have said anything to the other woman. Would he?
Feeling tears fill her eyes she bit her lip and fumbling awkwardly pushed her lukewarm coffee onto the side table and sat shakily down in front of the mirror. Staring at her reflection, she noted the pale skin of her cheeks, her trembling, bruised-kissed lips, and her tear-filled eyes and was disgusted. Disgusted that she could have allowed herself to become one of Goran’s conquests. Because in reality she had to accept this is probably what she was, otherwise why had he ignored her all through dinner?
Putting her head in her hands she sobbed as if her heart would break vowing that never again would she allow Goran to get under her skin and into her knickers.
Goran stared unseeingly at the screen in front of him. He’d been sitting that way for the last hour and hadn’t written a word. Hannah had got under his carefully erected barriers. He’d vowed that after the last time he wouldn’t be taken in by a gentle smile and a pretty voice. Annabel had warned him but he hadn’t listened, he’d thought Hannah was different, but now it seems it was not the case. What a coincidence that Annabel’s friend had been Hannah’s last employer, and what a relief in some respects. At least it had saved him from making a fool of himself once again. When Annabel had told him that Hannah had led Jeffrey Stevens on in order to obtain money he’d not believed her. Well not at first. However, after checking with Jeffrey’s wife and hearing the shocking details he’d had no choice but to be convinced. It seemed that Hannah had gone to work for the Stevens after Jeffrey had been involved in an accident and wasn’t able to go into the office. The Stevens ran an import-export business which, whilst thriving, needed constant attention. So, as to keep it running smoothly Jeffrey had chosen not to recuperate elsewhere, but to continue working from home and Hannah had been employed to be his aide, Jill-of-all-trades. Everything had gone smoothly for a while, and Hannah had fitted in perfectly, being always willing and efficient. But a few months into Hannah’s contract, to Vivian Stevens’ dismay Jeffrey became remote. And whilst unwilling to accept it, she finally found out that her suspicions had been correct, Jeffrey was having an affair, and the other woman was Hannah. Confronted by her accusations Jeffrey had confided everything, that he had indeed been having a relationship with Hannah, and that he’d also given her money, a great deal of money. Although Hannah had denied everything the proof had been damning, and she had been dismissed. Jeffrey had convinced Vivian that he was sorry for the hurt he had caused and that he had been blinded by Hannah’s kindness and come-hither smile. However, he had finally come to his senses realising it was still Vivian he wanted, and if she could see her way to forgive him, he wanted to stay and try again to make their marriage work.
Pursing his lips, Goran damned all women. He’d been hurt before, taken in just like Jeffrey but in his case it was the other woman that had been married. A bored housewife he’d met at a club who’d played a game, pretending to be single, pretending to love him when all along she’d just been after what she could get, the holidays, the jewellery and the sex. What a fool he’d been, taken in by her charms. He’d even bought an engagement ring. Excited with the prospect of making her his wife he’d surprised her and called at her house only to be confronted by her husband. What a laugh they had had at his expense, the earnest young man declaring his love when all she’d wanted was his money. He’d vowed never to be taken in again, but here he was obviously older but certainly not wiser. Again he was infatuated with a woman who played the girl next door with consummate ease. So now the question was, what was he to do about Hannah?
Chapter Ten
Hannah awoke to gloom. Gloom in her heart and gloom in her bedroom. She frowned, it was always dark at 6:00 a.m. in Cornwall on a winter’s morning, but today it wasn’t just dark it was murky. Quickly pushing back the covers she scrambled out of bed and shivered. Pulling back the curtains she realised why it was so gloomy, snow was piled on the window ledge outside to half way up the window. It must have been snowing most of the night. She shivered again. Why was it so chilly? Placing her hand against the radiator she found it cold. The boiler must be out.
A hot shower and warm clothes, she thought, heading toward the bathroom.
Stepping into the cubicle she turned the knob to hot and screamed in shock. The water was freezing. Hastily stepping out of the stall and shivering convulsively she reached for a towel only to scream again as the bathroom door was flung back on its hinges.
Holding the insubstantial hand towel up to her breasts she quickly crossed her legs and staring hard at Goran demanded in a no-nonsense voice just what the hell was he doing in her bathroom?
Leaning nonchalantly against the door frame Goran folded his arms and crossed his ankles, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Technically it’s my bathroom, well one of many. However, as to why I am here, I heard you scream and like all good heroes I rushed to your rescue.” He raised a mocking eyebrow. “Is there anything I can do?” His gaze swept her shivering naked form. “Maybe a bigger towel?” He lifted a thick cream bath sheet from the rail and held it out invitingly.
“What you can do,” She ground out through clenched teeth. “Is, get the hell out of here. Like now!”
“Mmm, so, no towel?” He wriggled it temptingly.
Lunging forward Hannah made a grab for the towel. “Get out!” She screamed, her face burning hot with mortification as she quickly wrapped the towel around her nakedness.
Smiling, Goran ran a soft finger down her hot cheek. “Nothing I haven’t seen or—felt before.” Grinning at the look of outrage on her face he turned and left, laughing out loud as he heard the thud of a wet sponge against the wood.
Breakfast was a makeshift affair, the weather conditions had brought down power lines and cut of the electricity that fed the castle. The heating system which was gas but pumped by electricity was not functioning so the staff spent time building up and lighting the fires in all the rooms. Luckily the Aga in the kitchen was run by wood so there was still hot food to be had. Hannah thought a trifle dreamily that living by firelight and oil lamps made everything perfectly cosy and somehow romantic.
Entering the study she found Goran writing furiously and he barely looked up as she took her seat. Obviously the laughing mischievous man of the earlier was gone and in his place the sombre, taciturn man of old had returned. Shuffling papers, she cast surreptitious glances his way. What was she supposed to do? Without electricity the computers were useless and there wasn’t any filing to be done, so, was she supposed to sit twiddling her thumbs whilst he brooded darkly?
“It has come to my attention, Hannah, that you used to work for Jeffrey and Vivian Stevens. And yet you deliberately failed to declare that fact when you applied for the job, or even if my information is to be believed, when you signed on at the agency.” He looked at her, and her face paled.
How had he found out? She’d never made mention of it on her C.V. Instead she had pretended unemployment.
“Oh..” She lapsed into silence. What was she supposed to say now?
“Nothing to say? Well no matter. However, this of course changes things.” He glared at her. “If I had any sense I would sack you on the spot. Dishonest people abhor me and I would never have contemplated employing you had I known what I know now.” He shook his head in incredulity. “I can’t believe you stooped so low as to have an affair with Jeffrey Stevens, and in order to get money. What were you thinking of, Hannah? You slept with a man old enough to be your father, your grandfather, shared your body with him, allowed him to…” He broke off and waited, but she remained silent.
He sighed, staring hard at her white face and trembling lips. “Refusing to defend yourself, Hannah, tells me with utmost certainty that the information I have received is correct. That basically you were, are a common slut who would sleep with anyone for a price. And I wonder, Hannah, when you shared your body with me, what was it you ho
ped to gain?”
“Nothing,” she mumbled, looking down at her trembling hands clasped in her lap.
He stared at her and she could feel his eyes boring into the top of her head.
“Nothing? How can I even believe that?” He sighed again, rubbing his hand over his face. “Well no matter, it seems I can only come to one conclusion and that is, I had a lucky escape. Because I am certain that sooner or later you would have demanded a price for the sex we enjoyed.” He drew a deep breath. “Anyway, there’s little more to be said on the subject, unless you want to reconsider and admit you were—guilty? No? Well, the weather being what it is, it would be irresponsible of me to throw you out in the cold, no matter how much you deserve it. So, with that in mind, you can continue to work as my secretary and live in Pendragon for the time being. But take note, Miss Darling, I will be watching you. Do you understand?”
Nodding miserably, Hannah continued to stare down at her hands. How could she explain to Goran what really had happened? Any explanations would make her look a fool. And in all honesty if he had any feelings for her he wouldn’t have believed the malicious gossip, but would have kindly and gently talked to her about it. Given her a real chance to explain without callously declaring in that cold accusatory voice of his, that he knew what had happened. So, although she wanted nothing more than to plead with him, beg him to believe her, she didn’t have any intention of putting herself through the trauma again.